Welcome to the RIEF Experience!

The RIEF experience is a unique opportunity to dive deep into the realms of economics and finance, guided by field experts. It offers a stimulating and enriching environment for learning, research, and collaboration.

Cutting-edge knowledge

The Research Institute in Economics and Finance serves as a hub for cutting-edge research in different areas of economics and finance.

Related to the Academic Community

The Research Institute in Economics and Finance brings together researchers from the international academic community to foster new knowledge on the most challenging economic and financial issues in various countries.

Collaboration opportunities

The Research Institute in Economics and Finance fosters collaboration between students and professors, as well as with researchers from other national and international institutions, which can lead to joint research projects and the expansion of professional networks.

Activity Lineup

Summer School in Economics and Finance


“RIEF reinforced my teaching and research interests with the Summer School in Economics and Finance. It was a turning point for me because it allowed me to learn advanced courses in economics. That prompted me to pursue the path of academia and a master’s degree in economics.”

DAVID LIMPE (Master in Economics from the Alberto Hurtado University)

“The form of evaluation of this program, the Summer School, replicates what is commonly done in a doctoral program. In addition to exams, we were evaluated with problem sets, paper replication, research proposals and paper presentations.”

CARMEN ROJAS (Bachelor of Economic Sciences from the National University of Trujillo)

“My experience at the Summer School in Economics and Finance was one of the most challenging of my entire academic life. […] Having a lot of curiosity and passion for learning is fundamental to successfully passing this great summer challenge.”

CHRISTIAN ALCARRAZ (Specialist in Macro Finance Research at Central Reserve Bank of Peru)