A comprehensive database of Peruvian Mutual funds

Renato Lazo is a Ph.D. candidate in Finance at the University of Ottawa and Director of Research in Finance at RIEF.

Alvaro Garcia is a research assistant of the Asset Pricing Research Initiative of RIEF.


Over the past few months, we have been working on a paper that analyzes the interaction between mutual fund flows and real variables of the Peruvian economy. In particular, we focus on how this interaction influences stock market returns.

As part of this research project, we built a novel and comprehensive dataset of Peruvian mutual funds. To do so, we manually collected and processed historical data provided by the Superintendency of the Securities Market (SMV).

Our dataset includes information on all equity and fixed-income funds from January 2000 to April 2021. By including both surviving and deceased funds, our dataset is free of survivorship bias.

 As for now, our database provides information on each fund’s share value, total market value, number of shares, number of participants, and share’s currency. Also, the data can be grouped by asset management company and according to the categorization defined by the SMV (11 categories). These features distinguish our dataset from the one provided by the SMV, which only contains the first five variables.

We have decided to share this dataset as part of the Asset Pricing Research Initiative. And with this purpose we designed an application called “Mutual Fund Analysis for Peru” to help researchers explore the data and visually observe the evolution of the Peruvian Mutual Fund Industry. 

Below you will find an infographic  with the detailed sections of each page to facilitate your navigation through the app. If you are interested in using our  data, don’t forget to make the following cite:

Garcia, A., Lazo, R. (2022) Mutual fund flows, macroeconomic variables, and the stock market: the case of Peru. RIEF Working paper.

For any additional questions, do not hesitate to mail us at rlazo039@uottawa.ca or alvarolgarciaar@gmail.com

Now, test it…

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